Update on the healthyliving awardman serving food in a canteen

The healthyliving award has been on pause since March 2020 in response to the Covid-19 pandemic.

During this time, Public Health Scotland has undertaken an internal review of the healthyliving award, in line with our new three-year strategy and transformational programme. We have also considered the changes in the out of home landscape and the Scottish Government has published the Diet and healthy weight: out of home action plan. With a changing policy, context and strategic direction, a decision has been taken not to restart the healthyliving award.

Public Health Scotland remains committed to improving dietary health in Scotland. This includes taking forward actions in the Out of home action plan in collaboration with Food Standards Scotland and officials in Scottish Government. One of the key actions is to develop a new Eating Out, Eating Well Framework which will help businesses to offer healthier options. It is important that we build on the learning from the healthyliving award to ensure a successful transition to this new framework. Your views and experiences will be invaluable to inform this process.

Read about what to do with your HLA materials.