29 February 2012

Studies abroad have shown that incentives can encourage healthier eating practices among consumers. The Scottish Collaboration for Public Health Research and Policy is running a trial to assess the most effective ways to encourage the Scottish workforce to make healthier dietary choices when eating at work.

28 February 2012

The Food Standards Agency in Scotland (FSAS) has re-instated the 'eatwell' website at a new web address: www.eatwellscotland.org.

The website currently provides all the information to help you make healthier choices. A brand new eatwell website for Scotland is being developed and will be found at the same web address in the future.

15 February 2012

New materials are being sent to all award holders and registered businesses from late January/early February. Look out for your pack of posters, leaflets and changes to criteria.

14 February 2012

In line with new EU regulations we are no longer making health claims for specific foods. This means that award holders and registered businesses can no longer use the apple symbol on menus.

1 February 2012

Over 80 assessors have attended training sessions held to make sure they are up to speed with the recent changes to the award. Separate sessions were held for new and existing assessors, with new assessors also receiving further on-the-job training through an accompanied shadow visit.

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