Welcome to Coretalk

The future’s looking bright for the healthyliving award, and you can read below about our plans to make even more of an impact across Scotland.

We have a wide and varied range of catering businesses and organisations on board, and are always delighted to receive enquiries and registrations from all types of food outlet. Read here about a charity that is going all out to promote healthier food to the people eating in its café.

We’ve launched a helpful staff training resource for caterers working towards the award, and you can read more about it here.

As well as our website we now have a Facebook page where you can keep up to date with all that’s going on, and share your own news and comments with us. Be sure to take a look at www.facebook.com/HealthyLivingAward.

What’s cooking?

healthyliving award plans to build on success

Over the last six years the healthyliving award has gone from strength to strength, seeing many ‘firsts’ and a number of constructive changes along the way.

Back in 2006, six varied catering establishments from the borders to the highlands became the very first award winners. Today nearly a quarter of a million people a day are able to eat healthily when they visit one of our award holding sites all across Scotland.

The Scottish Government recognises the impact the award is having, and has given its vote of confidence by committing to a further phase of funding for the award.

A business plan which ties in with several of the Scottish Government’s national outcomes has been approved. Under this plan we will be concentrating our efforts on clearly defined programmes of work.
These include:

  • Building on our links with contract caterers
  • Promoting the award to the public sector, especially local authorities and the NHS
  • Promoting the award to colleges and universities
  • Making the award more accessible to the general public by involving food service outlets on the high street
  • Exploring ways of reaching all population groups across Scotland, including those in lower income communities

We will also renew our efforts to raise awareness and promote the award to all eligible catering sectors, as well as consumers and stakeholders. This will be helped by further developing our website and Coretalk newsletter, as well as through advertising, PR work and exhibiting at local and national events.

In addition we intend to build on our links with national and local agencies and other relevant initiatives, working together to achieve our aims.

All of this will take place alongside helping and supporting all registered businesses to achieve or renew their awards, and welcoming applications from all eligible catering outlets. We will also continue to regularly review the award criteria and procedures.

The business plan going forward is exciting, challenging and should make a real difference to the healthyliving award's place in the catering sector in Scotland for years to come.

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Food Service Sector
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Do you sometimes want to eat healthily when eating out? Click here
issue twenty-three:
August 2012
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The healthyliving awardNHS Health Scotland - Scotland's health improvement agencyHealthier Scotland - Scottish GovernmentHealthier Scotland - Scottish Government