Welcome to Coretalk

We are delighted to have finally made the move to NHS Health Scotland! It has been a long time in the planning and, although we only moved here at the beginning of April, we have been given a warm welcome and already feel at home. Our new contact details can be found on the back page.

This move has meant some changes in the team; we are sad to have lost both Claire Brown and Barbara McDougall. Both Claire and Barbara have decided to move onto pastures new. They have been with the award since its development in 2006 and have been integral to the success of the award so far. They will be missed and we wish them luck for the future. And we welcome Anne Lee, new Project Manager of the healthyliving award.

It is business as usual and we are looking to embrace the opportunities that come with working in NHS Health Scotland.

Read about the eatwell everyday tool from the Food Standards Agency below. Discover the encouraging findings on consumer perceptions from our recent research. And finally, congratulations to Compass who won the CiS Excellence Healthier Scotland Award.

What’s cooking?

Food Standards Agency in Scotland invites feedback on a new healthy eating resource

By Heather Peace, Food Standards Agency Scotland

eatwell everyday is a new web based healthy eating resource developed by the Food Standards Agency in Scotland.

At the core of eatwell everyday is a detailed example of a week’s menu that meets dietary recommendations, including recommendations to increase intakes of fruit and vegetables, oily fish and starchy carbohydrates, and to limit intakes of sugar, fat and salt. The week’s menu meets the UK dietary reference values for an average adult female, but advice is included about adapting the menu for those with different requirements. The resource also includes advice for families with young children.

The menu provides an example of how the eatwell plate may be translated into a week of healthy eating. The resource is not intended to be a prescriptive diet plan. However, it does contain supporting information, including printable recipes and shopping lists, to help consumers try the week’s menu for themselves and so identify where they may need to make changes in the longer term.

Commonly consumed foods, based on consumer purchase information, form the basis of the week’s menu (tips for substituting foods are included). Affordability and food waste were considered and to address these issues the variety of foods in the menu has been kept to a minimum – for example, types of bread and fruit juices.

The menu meets the World Cancer Research Foundation recommendation for energy density.

The Food Standards Agency in Scotland invites and welcomes feedback about your experience of using the resource.

eatwell everyday can be accessed at: www.eatwelleveryday.org

Please send your comments to: eatwelleveryday@foodstandards.gsi.gov.uk

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issue twenty-six:
Summer 2013
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The healthyliving awardNHS Health Scotland - Scotland's health improvement agencyHealthier Scotland - Scottish GovernmentHealthier Scotland - Scottish Government