Tasty Morsels

Together. Shaping the future.

 Chefs@School is an initiative run by the Federation of Chefs Scotland to help teachers in Scottish schools bring the message of food education to life in the classroom.

We are seeking volunteer chefs from all over Scotland to join us in helping to deliver #inspiringfoodeducation. This is a project that really does make a difference, promoting positive messages about eating well and the opportunities available to young people in our industry. We have nearly 400 schools on our database seeking a chef partner, covering primary schools, secondary schools and schools for children with special needs.
All we ask is that each chef makes two school visits a year. If you could spare this time then please get in touch on 0131 553 0048, email us at info@chefsatschool.org or register at www.chefsatschool.org.

“I am absolutely delighted to see the Chefs@School project get off the ground, and it’s fantastic to see so many great chefs from all around Scotland so keen to become involved. This is something that schools have been crying out for, for a long time now. It’s a great opportunity for chefs to engage with children, not only on the importance of healthy eating, but the pleasure of preparing and eating fresh food. My hope is that it will provide an attractive, fascinating and fun subject incorporated into the school curriculum. If this in turn inspires more children to consider a career in hospitality then the time invested by chefs will be very well spent. To this end I would encourage as many chefs as possible to sign up for this really exciting opportunity to promote our industry."

Andrew Fairlie, chef

A flavour of…

Banana and oat cookies

Recipe supplied by Nicky Thompson, Sodexo at Hampden Park

Makes 24 cookies


  1. Combine all the ingredients in
    a large bowl and mix well.

  2. Make the mix into 24
    individual biscuit shapes
    and place on a non-stick
    baking tray.

  3. Bake in a pre-heated oven at 160°C for 25–30 minutes.

  4. Leave to cool and enjoy.

900g mashed banana
4 tbsp ground cinnamon
1800g rolled oats
140g desiccated coconut
170g honey
240g olive oil

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issue 30:
Summer 2014
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NHS Health Scotland - Scotland's health improvement agency